Monday, January 11, 2016

How Convert Hosted Google AdSense Account into Normal Account

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Have you a hosted AdSense account and wants to convert it into a Normal/General AdSense Account? If your saying Yes then here you are going to get best solution.
Because today I will share with you an easy method of How to Convert Hosted Google AdSense Account into Normal Account. And difference between Hosted AdSense Account Vs Normal Account. Therefore I am going to start from very basic practical steps, to make it understand easily by each & every one here. So lets start……..
How Convert Hosted Google AdSense Account into Normal Account

What is Google AdSense Account?

Google AdSense is a much and most famous Online Advertising Network which pay to publishers on the basis of CPC method. Google AdSense offers an opportunity to bloggers to earn thousand of dollars every month by monetizing it on their blogs. That’s why every blogger dreams to having a Google AdSense approved account. We have already  written in our last article how to get Google Adsense approval with a new blog. You need to first apply for Google AdSense Correctly and Once you get fully approval from AdSense, then ads will be live on your blog provided by AdSense. And you will get paid in dollars for every valid clicks on the ads. So now I think you understand what all about is mean of Google AdSense. But make sure some necessary terms to fulfil before apply to Google AdSense  which will make your blog AdSense ready.

Types of Google AdSense Account

1. Business Google AdSense Account
2. Individual Google AdSense Account
  • Hosted AdSense Account
  • General/Normal AdSense Account
In Individual AdSense Account the payment will be paid out to the particular payee name of account holder while in Business AdSense Account the income will be payable on Company Name. There is no difference in payment structure and services among them. Further more there are two types of Individual Google AdSense Account as following given below.

What is Hosted Google AdSense Account?

Hosted AdSense Account define those accounts which is approved from Google Hosted Websites like YouTube, Hubpages or Blogspot. And if you are running any of Google hosted sites and monetizing it with AdSense that’s mean you are using hosted Google AdSense account.
How to Convert Hosted Google Adsense Account into Normal Adsense Account
What is Normal Google AdSense Account?
A Normal/General AdSense Account is exactly opposite to the Hosted Account. Normal Account means when you having AdSense approval from a particular domain like which doesn’t comes under the category of Google Hosted Sites which specified above. But it is important to assure here that this account can be convert from Blogspot/Youtube/Hubpages to a non Google hosted site.
I think now you have been understand about hosted Adsense aacount and Normal Adsense Account. Now its time to learn how you can convert your hosted AdSense account to normal account. But before go to do this be ensure that you have a good looking and quality site with unique and user friendly content otherwise Google may eliminate or reject it. So many web-masters get rejection by saying from Google that your site doesn’t comply with AdSense policies. Therefore if you also face this, don’t worry because you can also learn by following link how to fix If your Site doesn’t Comply with AdSense Policies.
So here are some most important things to check before you apply to convert hosted Google Adsense Account to Normal AdSense Account.
  • You should have quality and unique articles on your blog or website. You should not have Copied articles.
  • Add Pages like- Privacy Policy, Contact us, About Us. These are most important in order to apply for convert Google Adsense hosted account to Normal.
  • You should have a top level Domain like- .org, .in, .com. Therefore always remember to select a quality domain name.
  • You must be 18+. And confirm that you use payee name as same as on Bank Account.
  • Check your Blog/website is loading fast. If not then resolve it by reduce your blog loading time.
  • You should have good template or theme.
If those things are ready you can apply for convert Google Adsense hosted account to Normal. So let me give details how to convert hosted Google AdSense account to Normal.
How to Convert Hosted Google AdSense Account into Normal Account
1. Sign in to your Hosted Google AdSense Account.
2. On the Home tab, visit the Account Settings 
3. In the Access and Authorization section, next to “Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account” click edit.
How to Convert Hosted Google Adsense Account into Normal Adsense Account
4. On the “Show ads on other Websites” page that appears, enter URL of the Non Google Hosted Site for which you wants to get AdSense Approval.
  • Click Submit.
How to Convert Hosted Google Adsense Account into Normal Adsense Account
So in this way you have applied to convert your Google Adsense Hosted Account to Normal Hosted Account. Cool, however do not relax, our work not completed.
In order to review your application Google needs to see ads code on your website. Means, you should place some ad codes on your non Google hosted website.
Here is steps how you can do that-
  • Sign in to your Hosted Google Adsense Account. Click the My ads
  • From menu select option My Ads
Create new ad adsense
  • Take the Ads Coding already there or either make new Ad units by Clicking +New Ad Unit.
  • In the next step you can Name, type and size of Ad Unit.
  • Click Save and Get Code.
Now you will get some ad code. Just copy that and paste to somewhere in your non Google hosted website you used while filling the form as mentioned above steps. Now you have done your job and be relax. Because now Google will manually review your website and this may take up to 2-3 weeks or may be 1 month.
You will then receive an email from Google with the information about Approval or Disapproval. Even if you get disapproved so don’t worry. You can try again after making required changes as they recommend. I hope my post about how to convert Hosted Google AdSense account into general AdSense account will work on for you. Best of Luck…..

7 Proven Methods to Increase Google AdSense Earning

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I hope 99.99% bloggers will agree with this fact that Google AdSense is the best CPC advertising network that give us an easy opportunity to make money online. But also fact that some AdSense publishers are unable to converting AdSense into real income building source.
Are you also unable to build handsome amount instead of that you are publisher at Google AdSense? If yes, your solution is here. My friends there is no any problem in AdSense, the problem is the methods you are using to increase Google AdSense earnings. Because the Google AdSense is same for all, then why lots of people are earning pretty well and why you not. Therefore today in this article I am going to tell you some successful and proven methods to increase Google Adsense earning or monthly income.

7 Proven Methods To Increase Google AdSense Earning

7 Proven Methods To Increase Google AdSense Earning

  1. Choose High Paying Niche
The first and most important point to be mentioned while we concern about to increase Google Adsense earning is to choosing high paying niche. When you are using Google Adsense you have to determine the high paying niche for your blog. A topic or niche is very significant for blogging, which helps you get higher revenue from Google Adsense. Where the CPC ad directly depends upon the topic which you choose. Besides that the niche you are choosing must be related to your domain for getting higher ranking in the search engine, additionally it can increase your Adsense revenue.
2. Ads among Posts
A very effective way to increase Google Adsense Earring you can add ads among the content or post. It is an easy way to get more benefits from Adsense. Do your ads to match your webpage background also colors, and add image ads or text link ads in between the post. While adding adds between content give enough space to the ads and content so that it does not go out of Google Adsense Policy. You can checkout here how to add AdSense in between post by wordpress plugin Quick AdSense.
3. Images and Text ads
To get more clicks on your AdSense ads, you have to use together image and text ads, rather than without image or without text ads. While visiting the blog, all will first attracted by images and then the text formatting way. By blocking an ads type or ad category, you decrease the competition on your AdSense ads, the superior work is using both image and text on AdSense.

4. Publish Quality and Unique Content
The CONTENT is the base of your earning and you have to make your content high quality and unique if you wish to increase Google Adsense Eanirng. Where the content is the main source of each post while a post is content on blog. I should prefer it with new ideas and with fresh and unique topic so that the readers will get interest on your blog. Therefore, remember that you want to offer a good user experience to your readers, it is a best way which will help you to improve Google Adsense revenue.
5. Check the Keyword Density
The keyword is the most important part in SEO which will increase the traffic rate and help you to get relevant ads on your blog.  And you know very well if the ads are relevant to the content on blog post, there are more chances to getting clicks and building more income. Therefore, finding and improving keyword is significant and it will surely help you to improve your ads importance. You can checkout here 7 free keyword density checker tools online.
6. Follow the AdSense Instructions & Notifications
The Google adsense and team try to help its publishers time to time by sending mails which include many noteworthy methods to increase AdSense income and better experience. So you have to be sure that you are following all the steps suggested from AdSense and its team.
7. Choose the Right Theme for your blog
Choose that theme for your blog which having good and attractive placement for adsense like in header, sidebar, in the post etc. In other word find the theme that already have best Ads placement setup for getting more clicks. There are number of sites available you can get the theme from and they were already SEO optimized with ad Placement setup.
These were those proven methods which I have collected from those bloggers who are very successful AdSense Publishers

Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India

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Google Adsense has become well famous in India among the bloggers from last few years. All Indian bloggers know quite well that Adsense is highest paying online advertising network ever works on CPM concept. And that’s why every Indian blogger wish to be an Adsense publisher.
But it’s not possible until or unless your blog comply with Google Adsense policies. However even after become an Adsense publisher doesn’t mean you will be rich in a single night. You need to work hard continuously on various aspects on your blog to get rank among the top Google Adsense earners in India.
And yes it takes some time to make you feel the magic of blogging and Adsense in terms of earning as well as popularity. Here I am going to show you some best examples of Indian bloggers who are today known as by top Indian Adsense earners because of their huge earnings from Adsense. So now be ready to get introduce with latest Updated list of top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India.

Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India

Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Name :
Google Page Rank– 6/10
Alexa Rank– 4,143 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India-584
Domain Authority– 78
Monthly Adsense Income:$30,000
Amit Agarwal is one of the most famous Indian blogger of all the time. In education he has the degree of Engineering in Computer Science from I.I.T. Amit Agarwal give up his job in 2004 with the self commitment  to become India’s first and only Professional Blogger.  Besides he converted his blog into a award-winning Digital Inspiration blog where he used to writes on how-to guides with respect of consumer software and mobile apps. He has also mark columns on personal technology for brand publications including The Wall Street Journal IndiaCNBC TV18 and The Hindustan Times. And apart from all these achievement he is also the rank topper in top Google Adsense earners from India.
2. Varun Krishnan
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Google Page Rank– 3/10
Alexa Rank-5,417 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 444
Domain Authority– 49.33
Monthly Adsense Income: $28,000
Varun Krishnan is the founder of which is india’s one of the most popular blog of mobiles and gadgets. He started this blog in march 2005. He is the big fan of mobile as well as gadgets.
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google page Rank– 3
Alexa Rank– 1,950 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India-187
Domain Authority– 50
Monthly Adsense Income: $25,000
Harsh Agrawal I hope you all familiar with this name and personality if you are an Indian blogger. He is the Indian Pro blogger started his carrier in 2008 with the blog name as Now he is the inspiration for so many bloggers across the world up to where blogging exist. Here I have listed him on 3rdposition in India’s top ten Adsense earners.
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google page Rank– 4
Alexa Rank– 16,384 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India-1,929
Domain Authority– 43
Monthly Adsense Income: $20,000
Srinivas Tamada is running a programming as well as a web development site known as by He is presently the best blogger blogging with reference to programming and web design tutorial in India.
5.Raju PP
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank– 4/10
Alexa Rank-22,293 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 3,133
Domain Authority– 45.22
Monthly Adsense Income:$18,000
Raju pp is a tech blogger behind the success of This is a complete tech blog created in 2008 and written by him. He is well famous Indian blogger whether it is about Adsense income or blogging creativity.
6. Pankaj Agarwal 
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank: 5/10
Alexa Rank– 5,479 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 447
Domain Authority– 40.92
Monthly Adsense Income:$17,000
He is the co-founder of, A site which is the simple and easy method  to search, buy or sell, to exchange, to interact for common or complementary interests inside or across home communities in India. This website is well popular as well as holding huge traffic that make him capable to earn huge and eligible to be among the top Adsense earners.
7. Arun Prabhudesai
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank– 5
Alexa Rank-9,992(Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India-782
Domain Authority-44
Monthly Adsense Income:$15,000 is one of the most famous Indian Business and Technology blog which found by non other than Arun Prabhudesai. He truly deserve to be listed here in this list.
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank– 3/10
Alexa Rank-14,142 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 1,097
Domain Authority– 34.25
Monthly Adsense Income:$6,000
BloggingCage A blog to learn how to blogging step by step and this blog is owned by Kulwant Nagi. Beside being a successful blogger he is also an Internet Entrepreneur and good writer. He holds the Diploma in Electronics and Communication from a college in Haryana, India.
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank– 5 / 10
Alexa Rank– 12,223 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 1,091
Domain Authority– 48.93
Monthly Adsense Income: $5,000
He is the founder of as well as an entrepreneur who also handle works for organizations like Yahoo, i2 Technologies and IBM.
  1. Rohit Langde
Top 10 Google Adsense Earners in India
Blog Url :
Google Page Rank– 3
Alexa Rank– 232,575 (Global Rank)
Alexa Rank in India– 26,916
Domain Authority– 31
Monthly Adsense Income: $5,000
Rohit Langde last but not the least in this list of top Adsense earners in India. He holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Govt. College of Polytechnic Nagpur.

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