Monday, January 11, 2016

How To Get Google Adsense Approval with a New Blog

Do you want to know the secret of how to get Google AdSense Approval easily? If yes, You are in correct place. Because here you are going to learn every necessary steps to holding an AdSense approved account.There is no doubt that Google AdSense is a best online advertising network that pay highest to its publishers. Peoples see dream to become a publisher of Google AdSense and earn thousand of dollars every month. 
Along with this dream every month thousand of bloggers apply for AdSense. But only few of them get Google AdSense approval for their blogs. Those websites or blogs who fulfill the Google Adsense Policies and TOS, they get easy AdSense Approval and rest all disapproved by adsense.
How to Get Google Adsense Approval with a Fresh Blog in one Attempt
Did you think what secret and special steps taken by those bloggers and how they become able to achieve an AdSense approved account in just one time?
Nothing impossible, first you need to respect and follow Google AdSense terms and conditions whether it is about content or anything. And that’s why today i am going to introduce with you some most essential requirements to complete before apply for Google AdSense with your new blog. Whenever you will ask to any AdSense publisher how to get Google AdSense approval, they will tell you the same tips but may be in different way.

How to Get Google AdSense Approval with a New Blog 

1. Check Domain Name before Register
This is the crucial and most significant factor that play a key role to getting Google Adsense Approval. Make validate that the domain name you are going to register is not earlier blocked by Google Adsense. If domain is blocked then don’t go for register them and select a safe domain. There are plenty of tools available online to examine whether a site is block or not from Google Adsense.
Tools to check your whether your site is block or not from Google Adsense.
Note: Try to register a quality domain that having keywords relevant to niche, easy to remember and pronounce. It will help you in domain optimization process.
2. Use Professional Design and Blog Structure
Make confirm that your website or blog design & structure seems genuine and professional like cool header, footer, fine sidebar and sufficient content area.
This will make a perfect first impression on your site users and ensure that your blog is externally ready for Google Adsense.
3. Use Google Adsense Supported Language
Unlikely, the Google Adsense is not available for each language in the world till yet. Therefore be sure that the language which you are going to use in your blog is Adsense Supported. You can check here List of Google Adsense Supported Languages.
4. Don’t Add Adsense Prohibited Content
If you really wish to get Google Adsense approval for your new blog then you have to must avoid the Adsense prohibited content in all way. These are those content which completely violating the Adsense content Policy and hence make you out from the Adsense Advertising Network. For Example- Porn or Adult Content, Content which advocate opposite a particular/group/ organization, Copied Content, Drug/ Alcohol and Tobacco related content, Hacking Content etc.
5. Avoid Use of Paid Traffic
Google Search Engine doesn’t like those sites which gain traffic from paid method. Therefore they badly punish those sites by decreasing there ranking on Google search result. Hence always focus on legal way to gain web traffic and avoid paid methods to gain web traffic.
6. Write High Quality & Unique Content
As I always said, the content is one of the major key to lead you in the blogging world. Furthermore the content plays the lead role to get easy Adsense Approval. If your site has high quality and unique content then you are going to lead the things. Therefore write your content with your personal skills and thinking as well.
Note- Never ever try to use Copy Paste method otherwise you are never able to get Adsense Approved Account.
7. Focus more at On-Page SEO
I would like to tell you that it’s not necessary to having huge web traffic for Adsense Approval. Therefore focus more on On-page SEO and try to gain Organic traffic on your site. It will be an extra positive point of your site and make a good impact on Google Adsense Team during the Adsense review.
8. About Page
You need to have an about page of your blog if you really wish to havea Adsense Approved account with a new blog in just one attempt.
Because it is a most required aspect of any site whether you are going to apply or not for Google Adsense. About page is that page which included information about author and blog as well. About page tell who is behind the blog. It helps to distinguish a relation between author and user as well.
9. Contact Forum / Page
Actually the contact forum or page is a best source for your site users by using which they can express their feelings about you and your blog. They will be able to tell you that what thing of your site they like and what they want to improve or edited. Hence contact forum page create a medium of communication between author and visitors. It also makes notice to Google Adsense team that you actually care about your visitor’s convenience and not only money.
10. Privacy Page
This page is also useful from users and Adsense point of view . It represent that what policy you do follow for content publishing and regard information submitted by users on your site. Therefore it builds a trust on your site users and Google as well. For example checkout our Blog’s Privacy Page.
11. Submit Sitemap on Google Webmaster Tool
A Sitemap is a simple file which included web pages of a site and Google Webmaster Tool is a free tool for all webmasters or bloggers. By the adding sitemap on Google Webmaster Tool you can improve your site visibility in the Google Search Engine and make your site more users friendly.
12. Quantity of Post
Before go to apply for Google Adsense be sure that you have sufficient numbers of post. According to me 40 -50 numbers of posts along with high quality and good length is suitable range when you are going to apply on Adsense.
13. Fill-up Correctly Google Adsense Form
It doesn’t matter how much quality blog is yours, if you don’t fill the Google Adsense form correctly than you can face problem in Adsense Approval. Provide all the information rightly and in that way they are recommending. For Example- Payee Name, Contact Name, Address, Email Id Etc.
I hope after reading this article now you will never gonna ask someone How to get Google AdSense Approval. Just make sure you have fulfill these steps before applying to Google AdSense.

Adsense, Adsense Approved Account, Become Adsense Publisher, Google Adsense Approval


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