Monday, January 11, 2016

15 Necessary Terms to Fulfill Before Apply Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the most popular and world’s largest online Ad Publishing networks. It recommends to publishers for maximum CTR from every web page. The blog owner can generate lots of income daily from Google Adsense. Every newbie has dream to monetize his website or blog with this ad network.
15 Necessary Terms to Fulfill Before Apply Google Adsense
But sadly, lots of them fail. Google Adsense has introduced many strict rules & requirements. It appears tough to get Adsense approval for your blog. We know that “there is nothing to impossible” isn’t it.
The good news is “Getting an Approval from Adsense will become humble” if you follow some essential rules from the scratching stage of blog. Here some tips before apply Google Adsense for getting approval.

Set Up Your Blog Before Apply Google Adsense for Getting Approval

Google Adsense always approves only those blog who have met up the crucial requirement. Your first task is to make your blog complete for that procedure.
First of all you should to check i.e. your blog follow these requirements. I’ll going to talk about some of the most important factors which will help your Blog to ready for Google Adsense.
1. Start Your Blog with TLD
Google Adsense team requires a top level domain like .com, .net, .org, to get approved by Adsense. Since you would like to make money using Google Adsense so you must have to builds a worthful Blog or Website. I imply you to buy a TLD (Top Level Domain) with cheapest price from a popular domain provider company.
2. Content is King
The most important thing that you should know & keep in mind before apply Google AdSense is the Quality of Content. Quality content means something which has worth, importance and which helps everyone.
Content is king doesn’t imply to post something that come in your mind and you post that. Content is king imply to give something new or fresh and unique with proper research which has value or worth. A lot of newbie’s are copycat and have a habit of copying contents from extra web pages without giving any Credit to them. Such type of people always faces problem once Google take any action in the form of Google panda & penguin.
3. Content Type
Be careful among what type of content you are publishing on your blog. Because it is something that really matters. Google is not in favor of Copied content, Pornographic, Drugs, Illegal Items or other Blogs / Sites like that.
4. Post count
You must have sufficient posts on every category & page. In total, you should have more than 35+ high quality article on your blog.
So, you should have at least 5 to 6 posts in every category and tags. The more you boost the length of posts, the further you go close to the Google Adsense approval.
5. Optimize Blog Post with Meta Tags & Build It Search Engine Friendly
Before publishing your posts on your blog, optimize your blog posts among Meta Title, Meta Keywords & Description Tag. The Meta tags helps search engine crawler bots to recognize about your blog posts.
Also make sure that your Meta Title should be between 60 characters and greatly attractive and Meta description must be up to 160 characters. Also prefer 5-6 Keywords according to your blog post.
6. Professional Design and Navigations
Have you noted when you visit to any blog? The first thing before going to read the post is the checking of Blog design, am I right? Off course, well this is a habit of all people that he or she likes the best and good-looking thing in this world, similar in the case of blogging world.
Google and user like those blog pages which have good quality, eye-catching & professional design. Let suppose you have high-quality contents but your Blog design is Rubbish. So no one will mind to read the content of your blog as the design of you blog is hurting their eyes. So must make your blog Professional and good-looking before applying to Google AdSense account.
7. About Page
An about page is most significant part of any site whether you apply on adsense or not. That’s why when it comes to Adsense, there are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not make this page on your blog.
About page basically describes about author & Blog. This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also build them trust upon you.
8. Contact Page
It’s fairly visible that everybody has their own opinion. What one of your readers likes may be difficult for someone else? Than it is better way to give them opportunity to tell to you and tell how they think about your Blog, what they would like to be edited, what they liked or not.
It will also prove the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your blog that you actually care about your visitors and not only the money and Adsense.
9. Privacy Policy
Google loves it if you have privacy policy page in your blog or website, it make trust with your readers as well as Google. So do add a privacy policy page on your blog.
To create Privacy Policy page in your blog>>> Search for “Privacy policy Generator”>>>Add your Blog URL and Email Address>>> Now Copy the Generated Post & paste it on your Privacy Policy Page.
10. Make Sure that Your Blog is not Blocked by Google
Before apply for Google Adsense, also make sure that your blog is not blocked by Google. You can simply check this by the following process-
If you get your blog posts in the search engine result pages, then your blog is not blocked by Google.
11. Name or Email Verification
Make certain to put your Name and Email address in some simply able to be seen area like about and Contact us pages. It will prove to Google Adsense Team that it is the same person who applied for Google Adsense and not other like spam, crappy bots.
12. Your Age
Your age should above 18 years old at the time for applying Google Adsense. Therefore make sure you are more than 18 years old, to get fast Adsense approval.
13. Other Ad Networks
If you have any other Ads placed like ClicksorChitika or anything on your blog, it’s time to remove them on your blog.
Still Google Adsense allow you to use other Ad Networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads on your blog before Applying for Adsense and don’t put them back until you acquire a reply from Google Adsense Team.
14. Paid Traffic 
Google hates the sites that are receiving Paid traffic and generally penalize them so there is not a damn option of getting Google Adsense Approval letter for a site that is receiving paid traffic. You can obtain traffic from Search Engines or any other method you want but if you want to earn money via Google Adsense the right way, so paid traffic is not a solution.
15. Target Country
Adsense approval is also little bit based on traffic source from where your readers interact more. Some countries are like USA, Australia, U.K, France and some more. They have enough economic rates which good for bloggers. Visitors come from these countries pays high PPC rates.
Bonus Tips for Google Adsense Revenue
Social Media is a good traffic source. So keep stick with it till you stuck in six-figure income. You can get thousands of visitors from twitter and Google plus in just 4 weeks.
These 15 bullet points will completely help you and designed your blog Adsense ready before getting Adsense approval. Keep calm and work on each and every point one-by-one sweetly.
If you banned don’t give up try from scratch again and follow these steps again you’ll get approval. Keep some things in daily list i.e. Content creation, Exposure, consistent, Helpful, DE-cluttered and lot more.
Patience is the key of every success so keep it with you.
In case you don’t approved Google Adsense don’t be negative, I have Google Adsense alternatives which monetize your blog as like as Adsence or there are lots of income source such affiliate marketing, Banner selling, PPD network, Podcasting and so on.

Adsense, Apply Google Adsense, Googpe Adsense Approval


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