Monday, January 11, 2016

Top 10 Google AdSense Earners in the World

Google AdSense is the highest paying online advertising program works on CPM basis. There are more than 35 million sites who are using AdSense to change their hard work into money.Google AdSense is the dream of every blogger. Every blogger wants to achieve an Google AdSense approved account and wants to be among the some of highest Google AdSense earners in the world.
You will thinking that is it really possible? The reply is “YES” not of mine but of those bloggers who are today being listed in the category of world’s top AdSense earners. They said this was also unimaginable for them as well but its not something which can’t be possible. And by their continuous matchless effort and hard work today these AdSense earners and bloggers make this phenomenon possible at all way.
That’s why today I have prepared a fresh list of top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world.This article is writing for motivating our bloggers to work hard on their website or blog as they blogger did. You need to make them your ideals.

Top 10 Google AdSense Earners in the World

1. Pete CashMore
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Pete CashMore is at no.1 among top ten Google AdSense Earners in the World. He is the founder He started his website while he was only 19 years old guy. This website is generally provide information about entertainment, News, tech & social media etc. Pete Cashmore right now is living in Scotland. We have precise the first place in top ten AdSense earners to Pete Cashmore since his monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: Around 455,000$
Monthly Unique visitors: Approximately 4,000,000
Monthly page views: 16400000 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 31,100,000
Alexa Rank: 282 (Global Rank)
#2. Jack Herrick
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Jack Herrick is the founder & CEO of the world’s well-liked and famous website He created his website in February 2005. The aspiration of Jack Herrick is to provide How to do guides to help his users in daily life, his website is about How to guides for the everything. He gives amplification everything it appears that with pictures. You can find out every general thing by visit his website You can also publish your How to guides on He is a hard working personality. He gives good reason for second place in our list top ten AdSense earners in the world because his monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: Approx 165,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 1,000,000
Monthly page views: 82,000000 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 15,200,000.
Alexa Rank: 186 (Global Rank)
#3. Kevin P Ryan
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Kevin P Ryan is the CEO & founder of He comes into view on Goggle in 2009. He is right now living in New York City. Kevin’s blog is regarding news, Business & technology. He is one of the top AdSense earners in the world. He worked hard as well as makes his website detectable to his user in just a couple of years. He gives good reason for second place in our list top ten AdSense earners in the world because his monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: Approx 120,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 500,000
Monthly page views: 62000000 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 9,200,000
Alexa Rank: 202 (Global Rank)
#4. Jeff Pillou
jeff pillow
Jeff Pillou is the founder of He started his website in 2010. He at this time lives in London. He started his website when he was only 20 years old guy. He started his website with his two other friends Madeline Rahul and Dawn Reissing. Currently they are become successful bloggers in the world. It’s all outstanding to their hard work. Jeff Pillou justifies 4th position in our list of top 10 AdSense earners in the wrold, because his monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: About 97,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 350,000
Monthly page views: 59000000 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 5,600,000
Alexa Rank: 1,273 (Global Rank)
#5. Hongkiat Lim 
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Hongkiat Lim is one of the most popular and top bloggers in the world. He is the CEO and creator He created his website in 2007. He resigned from his job at a limited company for the sake of his users. That’s why I have placed him at position number 5 at our list of top 10 AdSense earners. He is 41 Years old. He is a hardworking person. Hongkiat presently lives in Hong Kong. He does the whole thing at his personal. He writes his article by self, his monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: About 76,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 199,000
Monthly page views: 53,838,289 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 1,200,456
Alexa Rank: 1,792 (Global Rank)
#6. Amit Agarwal
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
He is the CEO & founder of (Digital Inspiration). He presently lives in India. He is the most popular and successful Blogger in India. That’s why I have placed him on position 6 in our list of top ten AdSense earners in the world. He created his blog in 2004. He is single person of the oldest bloggers on the Internet. He is a full time bloggers. He leaves his jobs for the sake of his users. He is 46 years old Blogger. He has been features in a lot of websites, news papers also local news channels. He is a hard working guise. He gives good reason for position number 6 in our list of top ten AdSense earners on the world. His monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: About 57,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 153,000
Monthly page views: 34,200,100 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 89,000
Alexa Rank: 3,725 (Global Rank)
#7. Amit Bhawani
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Amit Bhawani is the founder of He created his blog in 2011. He right now lives in India. He is also one of the top Google AdSense earners in the world. He has a 2nd largest website of India. He is also a full time bloggers. Users love his article. He is a very hard working guise. He is in our top 10 AdSense earners list since of his hard work. His monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: Around 30,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 134,000
Monthly page views: 23,235,300 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 69,000
Alexa Rank: 127,132 (Global Rank)
#8. Jaspal Singh 
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Jaspal Singh is the founder and CEO of He is currently lives in India, Mumbai. He created his blog in 2010. He is now a most popular and successful Blogger in India. He is earning handsome revenue from his blog. He is also a full time blogger. He is much well-liked in India. He is a very hard working persona. We like his style as well as hard work. He gives good reason for the 8th position in our list of top ten AdSense earners. His monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: About 23,000 $
Monthly Unique visitors: 100,000
Monthly page views: 9,792,901 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 58,000
Alexa Rank: 49,294 (Global Rank)
#9. Mohammad Mustafa AhmedZai 
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
Mohammad Mustafa AhmedZai is the CEO and creator of He is from Pakistan, Karachi. He created his website in 2008. He is the single personality in Pakistan with the registered blogging company called ‘’STC Network’’. He is a full time blogger. He made some widgets as well as Templates for newbie. He deserves the 9th position in our list of top ten AdSense earners. His monthly earnings from Google Adsense is…..
Monthly Earning: approximately 15,000$
Monthly Unique visitors: 85,000
Monthly page views: 6,878,838 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 47,000
Alexa Rank: 8,794 (Global Rank)
#10. Naveed Javed
Top 10 Google AdSense earners in the world
He is the CEO & founder of He has a great position in the bloggers community of Pakistan. He started his website in 2009. He is earning handsome amount of money with presently one blog. He lives right now in Lahore. He is very hardworking guise. Due to his low earning, I have placed him at the last position in the top ten Google AdSense earners in the world.
Monthly Earning: About 12,000
Monthly Unique visitors: 47,000
Monthly page views: 2,894,393 and keep increasing.
Page views per day: 38,000
AlexaRank: 31,167 (Global Rank)

Adsense, AdSense Earners, Google, Google Adsense


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